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Writing Portfolio

Surreal & Dark Fantasy | Gothic | Crime

Image by Casey Horner


The train brought many things to Eden Hollow--including death. Tiri learns the cruel cost of the magical goods and conveniences that trickle in from the grand Imperium cities. This is chapter 1 of a fantasy novel currently in progress.


2016 Q3 Silver Honorable Mention

L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Contest


​Ebe and his family escape their dying homeworld for a planet far out in space. However, their new home proves inhospitable. When a mutlicolored being promises to save Ebe and his family, Ebe must make an unconscionable sacrifice: his own son, Idrin.

Planet and Moon
House in the Woods


Published in February 2013 Efiction Magazine


"Where violent men live in fame", as the saying goes. Abandoned by the Crown, Hells Gate is a city ravished by famine and disease, where no price is too high to pay when it means survival. Governed by the corrupt and run by notoriously deadly gangs on every corner, Spade will adapt to any role if it means protecting his brother--but how far will he go before he loses himself?

Image by Angshu Purkait

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